Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Monday

Today is Easter holiday in France. Not that it makes any difference to me, I am stuck in front of my PC churning more ideas to complete my thesis. My I spent so much time on this I'm starting to feel numb. Although, I have to say that I am not too stressed. I spent a lot of time on it yes, but time is what I have now. Not that I think it is an absolutely awesome paper that may get me an A...huh impossible. I just hope to pass..nothing more or less...I sincerely feel that my level of writing and my dissertation paper does not merit an A grade. Don't care actually, I just want to get it over and done and stirike Masters off my to do list.

I can imagine how this would be if I have to do it whilst working at the same time. The level of stress would be beyond comprehension.

After the dissertation is completed, i will divide my time solely to learning French and finishing up my contract at the ABU. Much that I would love to be working with them part time as it is darn hard to get a job in France now, half of me just want the relationship with the ABU to be over. Feels like it's time to experience something new, do other things. After all it's been six years I have been with them. None of my friends were in the same post/company for that long. Think even Alice was not in UITM that long... AFter all 'change is the law of life' (JFK Kennedy).

I am starting to adapt with France. No English programmes on TV does not seem to bother me as much. Not many friends to hang out with, does not bother me either cos I know i'll meet more people once i start my French class this summer. I am also over eating Asian food, does not seem to bother me that I have not eaten rice since I got back from KL two weeks ago. Looks like everything is about adaptation. Once you've adapt to your surrounding, tout c'est normal.....

1 comment:

Lizeewong said...

my dear, i'm almost like a fossil in uitm. This year will be my 7th year. can you believe that??? hehe...

loving your posts..please write more